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Awards and Loans

The Trust offers financial assistance to individuals or groups to carry through restoration or improvement projects to completion. The Trust also invites enquiries about sponsoring one or more Awards.

This year’s restoration awards were presented at the Transport Trust annual awards lunch, held at Brooklands Museum on Monday 17th June 2019, the awards being presented to the winners by HRH Prince Michael of Kent. Restoration Awards are given to those projects that represent important milestones in the development of transport and are likely to be relatively rare, unusual, technically significant and have a valued place in the history of transport and its relationship with communities.  The winning projects cover a range of transport interests and are worthy winners. For details of this year’s award winning projects, see below. 


Charlie Gale - 1919 Frick Traction Engine

Awards19 2974The award is given to Charlie Gale from Rothbury, in Northumberland, for his restoration of a 1919 Frick Traction Engine, and in particular its re-boilering. Extremely rare, if not unique in the UK, the Frick engine. Built in Wynesboro, Pennsylvania, this particular example was one of a range of well built, powerful machines. The project has centred around the boiler, which is now riveted up, and the fire box about to go in for the last time. In addition the cylinder assembly has been overhauled, the rear wheels rubbered, the front axle overhauled, and the water tank repaired.


The boiler and fire box are new, the original dome and the upper sections of the throat plate and back head have been retained. The Z ring for the fire box has been used as the base for the all-welded fire box, constituting a heavy repair to the original.



The canopy and its supports are new as per the original drawing and major repairs have been made to the front axle to take up lots of wear, including roller bearings, pedestal bushing and replacement springs. The water tank through which the rear axle passes has had a new bottom section folded up and welded into place.


The steam engine unit has been completely stripped; the only replacements have been the main and wrist pin brass bearings and the machining of the slide valve face. The governor, throttle valve and lubricator have been overhauled as required. All the associated valves have been overhauled, new rocking grates, chimney spark arrester and other castings were sourced from the Cattail Foundry in Philadelphia  USA.


The engine is more or less back together this year, which marks both the 100th birthday of the engine, and, perhaps more impressively, the 75th birthday of the owner.


This was judged to be an excellent restoration of an unusual and interesting machine throwing light on the different design and manufacturing approach in the USA.   The Trust was really impressed by the 74-year-old restorer’s technical expertise and ingenuity and have much pleasure in making this award to Charlie Gale. 

Thames Valley and Great Western Omnibus Trust - 1927 Leyland Lion Bus

Awards19 2977Although dating from 1927, this Lion was re-bodied by W. Mumford, Plymouth 1935, and the project has involved a complete bottom up restoration involving separation of body from chassis, straightening and rebuilding the chassis, mechanical units and body, re-creation of interior finishes, seating and lighting, rewiring, repainting, re-glazing, sign writing and many other tasks.

002 2840 CB Col 004

The Leyland PLSC Lion represented significant advances in both bus chassis design and mechanical reliability. Some 2,700 were built but only 10 survive. This is the only one which represents the vast re-bodying programme in the mid-30s and the only surviving Mumford bus body of which over 300 were built for Western & Southern National alone.

This vehicle had a service life of 22 years including 3 years use on military war transport. It then had a 40 year life as living accommodation for seasonal workers on a fruit farm near Ilminster before being saved by Colin Shears, a previous Lifetime Achievement Award winner.

Acquired in 2007, restoration commenced in 2009. The body was jig built in major sections so the roof could be lifted off the remainder to enable replacement of side and rear framing. On completion of framing and re-panelling, the body was separated from the chassis which was straightened and disassembled for blasting and repainting. Axles, gearbox and prop-shaft were reconditioned and chassis reunited with body which had been glazed. Body internal trimming is complete, seats have been constructed and trimmed. New tyres have been sourced and fitted. Internal finishers have been made and some stained, varnished and fitted. Inside and out the task has continued, and it has involved some 5300 volunteer hours over the past 9 years.

006 2407 IMG 6328 010 2407 IMG 9716015 2407 IMG 5846This is one of a small number of survivors of a once numerous type embodying major engineering and operational advances. It will also be one of a very small number of roadworthy, operational vehicles from the inter-war period which will be able to be experienced by the public at TV&GWOT's vintage bus running days. In 2017 the charity carried 29,000 passengers at such events and is committed to using its vehicle collection to provide the experience of motorbus travel over the past century to the widest possible audience and to future generations.  The award was presented to Colin Billington Chairman of the TV and GWOT on behalf of all the volunteers involved.

022 2407 DSC 0006mod

Martin Hunt & Melvyn Camps - 1927 Sentinel Road Trailer

Awards19 2978This is the only known surviving complete and working example of a solid tyred, three way tipping trailer made by sentinel to match their steam wagons.  Work commenced in 2016 with the bare chassis being recovered. A complete restoration has been carried out by Martin and Melvyn.  Many parts were missing and have been remade.  Work has included making new body components, tipping gear and braking system as well as extensively restoring and overhauling the remaining parts.  The project has taken over 1000 hours to complete so far to as near original specification as possible with reference to original drawings and images to provide detailed guidance as required.



In 2017 the trailer made its public debut on rally fields but it was not utill September 2018 that the trailer was used in earnest for first time, making the 40 miles journey to Haddenham Steam Rally towed by Martin and Melvyns 1927 sentinel three way tipping waggon. During the rally the trailer was used on the road making demonstration area, being used to transport stone.













This is a wonderful restoration of a rare trailer from the world-leader in steam waggons, where Martin and Melvyn have gone to great lengths to get things just right. 



The results speak for themselves and the Trust is delighted to present Martin and Melvyn their award.

Tom Bailey - 1951 Denis Fire Engine

Awards19 2981GET 666 is one of the earliest Dennis pump escape appliances to survive. New to Rotherham Fire service, she spent all of her working life there before retirement. Having then spent the next 40 years in a barn it was only relatively recently that the engine saw the light of day again and having being sold to a couple of different owners was eventually bought by 25 year old Tom Bailey in June 2017 .


On getting it home, Tom was able to start the engine, and work began.  Initial checks revealed that the body frame was generally in good condition, but woodworm in the cab roof and along the top of the windscreen meant that some replacement work was necessary. To date the exterior has completely been stripped and painted, a new fuel system installed and the engine has had a service and the vehicle can now move under its own power. All the work has been undertaken by Tom and a small team of volunteers. Although some F12s survive into preservation one unique feature of GET 666 is the wooden escape ladder that is fitted to the vehicle. It is a Morris ladder, built in the 1940s and is believed to be the only surviving one of its kind.



A proper coach-built machine such as this will always present a daunting challenge but the Trust were most impressed by Tom's determination to get his machine in good shape and then for that machine to be seen by a large public audience at events and open days. In addition, the trust are delighted that such an iconic machine is in the safe hands of one of the next generation of restorers, and have much pleasure in making this award.

The Friends of Chatham Traction - 1939 K Type Bristol Bus

Awards19 2982GKE 68 is the second oldest Bristol K type double decker bus with original distinctive Weymann bodywork. It is  a unique survivor which has stong association with Chatham and District and Maidstone and District. The majority of K types were bodied by other coachbuilders, meaning that this one rates very highly on the  National Association of Road Transport Museums' scoring system applied to heritage vehicles. Additionally the fact that the fleet of vehicles served exclusively on routes in the Medway area, makes it a visible symbol of the area's heritage


Since being brought back to the area and the formation of the Friends of Chatham Traction, as a charity in 2007, the engine has been overhauled and extensively restored, with this work continuing using both professional help and a team of willing volunteers.  The Friends of Chatham Traction have made significant progress in preserving and restoring this unique vehicle. The bus will be 80 years old in summer 2019 and the ambition is to complete the restoration by then and celebrate the unique role of the bus in Medway's heritage. The charity has approximately 80 members and local communities who are keen to see the bus "back on the road" and interested in a vital element of their heritage.




The vehicle is of acknowledged importance in terms of national and local transport heritage. An incredible amount of work has been done to restore the vehicle from a derelict wreck into a viable vehicle which will be full of character, and the group have plans to use the bus as an exhibition space and fit a removable TV screen on the upper deck where they can show educational films/DVDs.  As a result the Trust are delighted to make this award to Richard Bourne, the Chairman, on behalf of everyone involved.

The Provincial Society - 1953 Guy Arab Bus

Awards19 2985The bus chassis was built in 1943, but the wartime chassis was re-bodied in 1953 by Reading & Co Ltd, Portsmouth - a now defunct local body builder. The bus served the people of Fareham and Gosport for twenty-seven years. Like so many other projects it then fell into disrepair before being taken in hand and restored to is current condition over 20 years or so. The work has meant that everything from the ground up has needed attention: the chassis has been renovated and then the body, with new flooring, windows, staircase, exterior panels etc. The bus is now roadworthy and has been on show at the Provincial Bus Rally at Stokes Bay in August 2017.

57 as acquired 1 Copy


Cemetary Gates 1 CopyWhen completed, it will bring enjoyment and nostalgia to all those who ride on it at the various rallies it will attend. It also hoped that it will be an important working vehicle in a future local transport museum. The project has been headed up by John Sherwin on behalf of the society and the award was presented to him on behalf of all of those who have been involved.

Highly Recommended: Ben Moorhouse - 1967 Mobile Cinema

Seven mobile cinemas were made for the Ministry of Technology in the 1960’s, each had a trailer and from 1967 to 1974, they would visit engineering companies around the UK, promoting modern production techniques. In the process the trailer was used as a demonstration space once audiences had received their initial engineering lectures.  The Government auctioned off the cinemas and their trailers in 1974 and KJU 267E was bought by Sir Bill MacAlpine. He had recently saved the Flying Scotsman from a period of quarantine in America and used the mobile cinema as a method of promoting the repatriation of the famous steam locomotive to the UK.


Shortly after this, the cinema and trailer were split up. The cinema stayed with the Transport Trust until 1990, then it spent a further 13 years in Essex  owned by Peter Rawlings followed by a short period with Rob Howell and Nancy-Rose Mills before Ollie Halls purchased and started the restoration process in 2005.  The trailer had not been seen since 1975 so the chance of finding it was becoming increasingly unlikely.  However in 2015, rumour of the existence of one of the trailers was reported and the resulting visit to a farm in Wiltshire resulted in a most remarkable discovery. A quick walk to the back of the trailer and everyone present realised that the trailer was indeed the original trailer to the only remaining Mobile Cinema (KJU267E).

The farmer who owned the trailer was using it as a workshop for his carpentry. He kindly sold the trailer back, and both vehicles were reunited for the first time in 40 years.




Since its acquisition by Ben, the hydraulic air braking system has been repaired and the lower bodywork has been removed for restoration. Work is currently well underway on the external bodywork, and when completed attention will turn to the interior.  


The vintage mobile cinema and its trailer is very definitely a unique piece of automotive history, and it is particularly nice that the trailer is being as a result of Ben's sterling efforts.  The trust is delighted to recognise Ben Moorhouse.

Highly Recommended: Deborah Brook - 1943 Morris Light Reconaissance Car

Awards19 2986This project came about as a result of a challenge from the BBCs early evening programme "The One Show".   The task was to find a piece of WW2 armour and restore it within a year.  Initially the BBC was advised that this was an impossible task, but on being made aware of the existence of the Morris in a hederow, Deborah accepted the challenge and since that moment has managed and led the project doing most of the fabrication work herself.


The LRC is both rare and pretty unloved. Just over 1000 of each of the marks were built but there are fewer than 15 that are known to survive across the world. When designed, and it is believed that Alex Issigonis was among the design team, the welded monocoque hull was at the cutting edge of technology although the running gear utilised many standard Morris parts.


The LRC was, literally, dragged out of the bushes and was in a terrible state. Over a period of 15 months it has been carefully restored, using refurbished original components wherever possible, many of them, quite literally, dug out of the debris where the vehicle had rested for tens of years. As well as doing the lion's share of the work, including perfecting the same arc welding techniques as used originally, Deborah has taken time to share information and experience with the very small handful of LRC restorers (two in UK and one in the USA), as a result of which these projects have been provided with vital information, experience and in some cases actual parts.

Morris Recon Car


The LRC now runs and drives and work is now concentrated on ensuring the interior is accurate. There is a little more work to do on the running gear and much to be done to ensure that all the systems work well. The running, driving vehicle appeared on the One Show in March of this year, 15 months after being dragged out of the brambles, and was watched by approximately 5 million viewers. Since then work has continued, not least to provide all the necessary “period” accessories and equipment.  Research has also been undertaken to ensure that the painting and markings are correct before the vehicle makes a series of public appearances, beginning in July at one of the largest military shows, the Yorkshire Wartime Experience. For her efforts, and in particular the way that she has shared information and experience with other struggling restorers, the Trust is delighted to make this award.

The Alan Moore Commemorative Award: Greensand Railway Museum Trust - 1917 Simplex Armoured Locomotive

Awards19 2989Built for WW1 service, this Motor Rail and Tramcar Company Simplex 40hp Armoured Locomotive 2182 was offered for disposal by the War Department around May 1921 and subsequently entered industrial service during which period it lost its distinctive armoured upper bodywork.  It had become derelict by 1963, entered preservation in 1971 and following periods at various sites arrived at Leighton Buzzard Railway in 2005.  Ownership was transferred to Greensand Railway Museum Trust  in January 2009 but it took utill 2015 to raise sufficient funds to commence work.



The Motor Rail company supplied a total of 1,088 internal combustion locomotives to War Department Light Railways for use supporting the allied armies during the First World War.  Of these, 339 were 40hp petrol locos comprising 110 ”Open"  types, 195 “Protected” types and 34 “Armoured” types.  LR2182 is one of only two known 40hp petrol “Armoured” Simplex's to survive into preservation and the only survivor of its type to retain the original petrol engine.  It will also be the only remaining example exhibiting its original external form.  The only other known surviving 40hp armoured Simplex is located in Antigua where its distinctive armoured bodywork was significantly modified during service in the Antigua sugar industry. 


LR2182 was totally stripped by volunteers at Leighton Buzzard Railway Stonehenge Works.  The chassis, reduced to a bare riveted frame, was professionally shot blasted followed by volunteers removing corroded steelwork and hot-riveting replacements into position.  The original 40hp Dorman 4JO 4-cylinder petrol engine, No. 6209, was seized and in very bad condition, but rather than replace it with a more modern unit, the original was extensively restored, including  manufacturing four new pistons machined from solid aluminium.  Volunteers have also renovated the gearbox, repaired the original radiator, fitted new drive chains and reassembled the loco. 


IMG 0202

IMG 0733

LBR Motor Rail gala 29 May 2016 039

LBR 6 May 2019 2182 launch 022The engine was started for the first time in over half a century in May 2018, and work has continued since then.  Returning 2182 to its original condition has provided an opportunity to show in working form a unique locomotive from the War Department Light Railway systems of the 1914-1918 Great War.  This rare and unusual, locomotive has finally been restored to operational condition by a small charitable trust, filled with determined volunteers and the Trust is delighted to present the GRMT Chairman Cliff Thomas with this award on their behalf. 

The Peter Allen Commemorative Award: Thomas Fields-Pattinson - 1923 Aveling Traction Engine

Awards19 2990This engine was built in 1923 by Aveling & Porter, and purchased by A M Carmichael Ltd, road making contractors, for use in Scotland for hauling stone and road making. The engine is one of the GND class, a general purpose engine. It was produced very close to the end of the production run, and is believed to be the latest surviving one of its class. None of which is particularly unusual, as everyone will be familiar with the strength and enthusiasm of the road steam preservation movement.


But this engine is just a little bit different.  In 1930 it was being used for highway repairs on a road running along the side of Loch Ness. The surface of the road collapsed causing the engine and trucks to roll down into the loch below. It lay, half in and half out of the water for the better part of 60 years, although quite a lot of pieces were, shall we say, liberated from the remains in the intervening period. 



Then along came 22 year old Tom, who has set about the restoration with a vengance, building and replacing the boiler, having the cylinders re-machined, making the bearings, rods, pistons, rings and a new smoke box.  A lot of the front end was missing so virtually every component has been refurbished, remade or renovated in some way by Tom.  As a result the engine is now in fine shape and Tom hopes to display it at the Great Dorset Steam Fair this year. 


This has been an epic restoration by a talented and resourceful young engineer who thoroughly deserves this recognition. The Transport Trust is therefore delighted to make this award to Thomas Fields-Pattinson. 

The Ron Wilsdon Commemorative Award: The Griffin Trust - 1950 Kew Dodge Lorry

Awards19 2993The Griffin Trust is an all-volunteer charity based at Hooton Park, Ellesmere Port. The project has been the ground-up restoration of something of a rartity - a 1950 Kew-built Dodge 5 ton lorry.   From the late 1930s right through until the 1960s Kew Dodges were a major player in the commercial vehicle world, yet now only a handful remain. The Richie family of Haddington, near Edinburgh, purchased this Kew Dodge in 1950 to transport their produce to the market twice a week.


In 1962, after giving twelve years loyal service, the Dodge was parked up in the Orchard and there it stood for 40 years. The children in the local area used the Lorry as their toy, they broke all the dials and then left the doors open, allowing the rain and snow in the cab, causing the cab to rot.  In 2004 Christine Thomas was searching for spare parts for one of her Dodges and placed an advert in the Classic and Commercial magazine. One of the Richie brothers read it and contacted Christine and kindly offered their father’s Kew Dodge to her for spares.

Complete vehicle


When it arrived Christine had a bit of a moment.  Instead of using it for spares, she decided that although it was going to be extremely costly and lengthy, she was going to take on a total restoration. It was agreed by The Griffin Trust that the Lorry could be moved into its workshop as the vehicle in all its stages of restoration would become part of the transport exhibits on view to the general public and once finished, would be on permanent loan to The Griffin Trust.


Although being an interesting feature and a talking point for visitors, Christine had other work and family commitments and so the project was left for some time but revived after many years.  Virtually every nut, bolt washer, panel, timber and chassis steel came in for attention - absolutely nothing was left undone. Even a sheet rack of the period was expertly made from a photograph. Old-school sign writing was expertly added to the professional blue & turquoise paint scheme.


Current state 2

dodge 4

One of the requests made by the Richie family all those years ago when it was delivered to Ellesmere port was, that if the vehicle were ever restored,  it should be back in Richie family livery. Although much time has passed since then, Christine, with the help of many others, has fulfilled that wish. A triumph of determination regardless of time, the lorry now stands as a fitting tribute to the tenacity of its restorer and is a fine addition to the vehicles of the Griffin Trust. The Transport Trust is delighted to award Christine the Roy Wilsdon award.





The National Transport Trust makes loans to groups, associations and individuals at advantageous rates for the restoration of artefacts - whether mobile or part of the infrastructure.  Applications must be supported by a simple business plan which demonstrates the financial viability of the project. A sample business plan is available on request from the Treasurer.


The Trust does occasionaly make Awards for schemes which further the preservation movement. Again if you wish further information please contact the Treasurer.


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National Transport Trust, Old Bank House, 26 Station Approach, Hinchley Wood, Esher, Surrey KT10 0SR